Random Bits of Loveliness and A Guest Post

Lately I have been having a hard getting posts written as during the day I am busy during the day and at night running around some more. With 3 kids needing to do homework, and one computer with  a 
s-l-o-w internet connection that leaves my Macbook as the coveted piece of technology. By the time I get my hands on it, I am tired. 

Can anyone relate??

But I did manage to squeeze in a guest post over at decor happy, it's all about organization over at her blog today! Funny, we all seemed to write about organizing the same thing - ahhhh...great minds think alike! Come on over and see what!

I also participated in Inspired Me Heather's "What I liked about your blog" blog critique! 
My blog was critiqued by two bloggers and in turn I critiqued two blogs as well. Then Heather sent us the reviews, all done anonymously.

I got some amazing feedback from two reviewers {who I assume also have blogs} and was relieved that, for the most part, the two reviewers actually liked my blog! Phew...I was bracing myself. Their feedback was sooooooo incredibly helpful and a few of their suggestions were some things I was hoping to change. Nice to have a fresh set of eyes take a look at your blog and critique it. Thanks to whoever you are, your thoughts were greatly appreciated.

I will summarize what they liked:

  • They liked my large photos and the photos themselves. Gee thanks!! Because I think my photos are the pits. I want my photos to look like Centsational Girl's. Slowly I am learning the ins and outs of our SLR. My tripod broke which makes it hard taking photos without it!
  • Liked my navigations bar. And varied text and fonts within my posts. I do try to spice things up. I love fonts and the different effects they can create in writing.
  • They liked me :), and my projects. Glad I am inspiring others to DIY!

Their suggestions for improvement:
  • Both said they found the font colour I use for linking was hard to see. You are right. Grey can be hard on the eyes. Will work on changing that.
  • Also justifying my text.  Good idea. I thought I was being all artsy fartsy  centering my text. Maybe it is hard to follow. My high school English teacher would probably roll her eyes. {Shh... don't tell her I am a teacher too!}
  • And finally, this one I REALLY want to fix, is having a photo for every DIY project I list under my DIY page. Only recently have I figured out how to link a photo. So this project will take me some time but definitely help reader's navigate. 

WOW - thanks for all of that!

I hope to re-vamp the blog soon. Time for a change and a lovely blogger who is really good at these things has kindly offered to help me :) Thanks! So I am now pinning my favourite blog headers I like and rounding up fonts that tickle my fancy!

XO Barbara


  1. I think everyone is in organization mode right now...my favorite!

  2. Wow...you are super busy! I'm pulling these 10-12 hour days and get so tired to. Must persevere. I participated in that what I like about your blog too and it was fantastic! although i have to still figure out how to link a photo. do tell!

  3. Sounds like your January is off to a busy start. I'm off to check out your organizational post at DecorHappy!

  4. It tough to fit it all in sometimes, isn't it? I love this idea of feedback on the blog style... and I always centre my text as well :) Something about it looking "displayed" and the need for symmetry! Maybe it's time for an overhaul, lol. I think your blog is quite lovely, Barbara - x

  5. Thanks for participating in my series! I was going to participate in Heather's but then completely forgot - what a great idea and you received some helpful tips. Btw, I think your photos are great. I'm looking for someone else to make some minor adjustments to my blog, so if you know someone, I'm all ears (you can email!) Thanks!

  6. Barb, I can so relate ....... I can't keep up and I don't have kids!!!! You have always amazed me with your presence on the computer, I would never known that you have ever skipped a beat ........ AND your posts are always informative and interesting. I too have joined in with the critiquing of blogs on Heather's site and have found it very helpful. I've done my critiquing and am waiting for my second person to get back to me. I loved my first person as she covered everything I think needs changing on my blog and her kind words made my day. I just love this sort of thing. It's always about improving. Life would be boring if we didn't have our struggles.

  7. I"m amazed at how often you blog considering all you have on your plate. Off to see your post.

  8. I'm going to hop over to read your guest post next, but wanted to say how much I like that you shared the feedback from your blog critiques. I also participated, but never thought to share the feedback. I found the critiques extremely helpful as well!

  9. I just received my blog critiques today and have made a couple of changes. I plan to make more. It's great that you shared yours. This was a fun exercise.


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