A Diamond Tufted Headboard: The Reveal

This day is long overdue, after starting my daughter's room re-design wa-a-a-a-a-y back in June,

I am finally finished the headboard!

I  could blame my husband for the delay, as I was waiting for him to help me cut out the headboard shape, but two weeks ago with the sun shining I decided to bite the bullet and fire up the jig saw.

 It took some courage to start up the jig saw, I have a fear of lightening fast moving sharp blades with the power to cut off appendages.

I am happy to say that all my fingers are intact and now I can show you the results of all my hard work. 

The headboard has been finished for over a week but I was patiently waiting for the sun to shine. Photographing on the "wet" coast is a challenge as our sunny days are limited.

Without further adieu......

May I present: 

{A diamond tufted headboard}

Made with a luxurious polyester silk in raspberry. 
(No matter how much I tweaked the photo- the colour shows redder than it really is)

Made with LOVE {and blood, sweat and tears}.

Made in Canada {not China}

Made for a wonderful 16 year old.

{Total cost: $55 }

Wood: free
Foam: $30
Batting: $10
Fabric: $5
Buttons: $5
Thread: $5

Not bad...

Come back Monday when I will post the tutorial {its a long one}

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I don't have anything to show you yet. 

I know, I am such a tease :)

You have no idea how long it takes to write up a tutorial for a diamond tufted headboard! Between teaching, my family and life, I am lucky if I can sit down to the computer to read my favourite blogs let alone write on mine.

 Back to the headboard....
Mistakes were made along the way and I have a new found appreciation for upholsterers. Lets just say that blood (yes-blood - exacto knives are sharp!), sweat and tears were shed while making the headboard. The end result was worth it and I am going to tackle another one next week for my other daughter.  

Having the headboard done has brought back new-found energy to tackle finishing the eldest's room. I am off to Ikea (a great place for those with limited budgets) next week and plan on hacking this:

for her room.

I am also replacing her shelves with these:

and maybe making drapes with this fabric:

all photos:: Ikea

So fingers are crossed that between my grandma's memorial, soccer games, hockey games, homework, raking leaves, Starbuck's with the hubby, walks with the dog, helping the middle daughter shower with a cast (that's another story), sleeping, etc., I can finally finish my tutorial and reveal the long-awaited headboard!

Have a fantastic weekend!

~Monday Inspiration and a Sneak Peek~

 There are still 2 days left to enter my giveaway with CSN stores. 
Click here to enter.

We are in the process of re-arranging a few bedrooms upstairs in order to create a family games/computer room. With 2 teenagers and a tween, a space for them to hang out with friends is in order. My son is excited to move his bedroom into the space we now have as our office. It is the smallest room in the house but that doesn't deter my son from wanting it as his room. I will have to pare down some furniture and be creative in the placement but am excited to have a blank slate to work with. I want to use the furniture he currently has maybe re-painting a few pieces. Right now I am collecting inspiration photos as a starting point for his room. We are leaning towards using blue walls, not sure if we are going to go pale or really dark. I love red and would love to incorporate his red desk along with some new crisp white bedding.

Here are some photos I have in my inspirational files of some amazing boys rooms.

via : decorpad

Steven Gambrel via Apartment Therapy

 Home to Three Duncan Boys

So many inspirational photos, so many ideas. I will need to sit down with my son and find out what he wants. Hopefully we can come to some agreement and get the ball rolling!

But here is a sneak peek....

 at the diamond tufted headboard I finally finished for my daughter's room. I am in the process of writing up a tutorial (it ended up being harder than I thought - lots of sweat and patience) and hope to have it up in the next few days!


~A Holiday Weekend and a Blogversary~

This weekend us Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving. Our family is excitedly awaiting the arrival of cousins! We are also looking forward to a restful weekend. What I hope to finish is a long overdue project that I started yesterday.


- you guessed it - the never-thought-I'd-ever-start HEADBOARD! 

I bravely plugged in the jigsaw yesterday and went for it. Today I went and bought a few upholstery supplies and hopefully tomorrow it will be done! 

Here is a sneak peek:

Last week our oldest daughter celebrated her sweet 16 - I had fun decorating and organizing a party for her and her friends. We also treated her to a trip to Tiffany's to pick out a quintessential Tiffany's charm bracelet! 

I also just realized that I have been blogging for ONE YEAR! Time flies when you are having fun! I dove into blogging courageously, felt like a new kid in school, but have enjoyed the ride. What I love the most is having met the most amazing and creative blogging friends along the way. It is so wonderful to know there are other OCDers (obsessively consumed with decorating)out there!


Join me next week as I host another giveaway to celebrate! 

Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends 
Happy Columbus Day to my American friends (enjoy the sales!)


~Touches of Fall~

I am not much for frou-frou decorating when it comes to fall.

 I strive for simplicity.
That's my way of saying I can't be bothered {or maybe just plain lazy}. 

It seems like too much work to make Hallowe'en sparkly "boo"signs, spray paint branches black (might try this though) or hang leaf garlands over the house. 

But I do decorate the house with small touches that I like to call 

farmer's market chic.

Throw in some cute little pumpkins and my daughter's artwork to create a fall inspired mantel.

A few touches around the house.

Love the shape and colours of the squash I found at the market. The colours pop against the elongated ebony "bowl" my sister brought back from Tanzania.

All the squash around the house has me craving some yummy curried squash soup! 

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