Painting Furniture 101: Tools

Thanks for all your wonderful comments on the end table I painted for my daughter J's room.
In all honesty I was really stepping outside my comfort zone by painting it a colour other than black, red or white! We had fun choosing a paint colour and glad we went with our gut!

But many of you asked how I painted it...

Jen said...

I agree with all the comments above: great colour, great makeover! It's really lovely. And you got such a nice finish on it! It looks professionally sprayed. And it's great that your daughter loves it. Smart girl.

Rosa @ said...

Turquoise and purple... my favourite!! Good job! Do you own a paint sprayer? Is that your secret?

 Since you asked, I'll share what I use to paint my wonderful thrift store and Craigslist finds. 
First, I determine whether I'll use spray paint or roll paint on. I do not own a paint sprayer, wish I did though! When I spray paint I use spray paint purchased at my local hardware store. I prefer to use Rustoleum brands of spray paint. 

I do find their paint colour and sheen varieties limited, therefore I only use it on furniture and items that don't have a lot of surface area or have curvy and wavy surface areas, such as a lamp, chair or frame and  when I want to use a basic colour such a white or black.
I will get into more detail about the different spray paints in an upcoming post.

For large pieces of furniture with large surface areas I roll on paint. In order to get a smooth finish, you need to use the right tools. 
Here are the basic tools I use:

1 and 2: I sand most pieces before I start to paint, especially if they are going to get a lot of wear, such as a desk. This ensures a smooth surface and adhesion of the paint. If the piece has dings or the finish is chipped I whip out my lovely sander {1}I stole borrowed from my dad to smooth and prep the surface. Less damaged items I scuff the surface with my {2} trusty sanding block. 

3: For a nice smooth finish I use foam rollers, I have 2 sizes based on the size of the surface area I wish to paint. 
4. I use a paint brush for cutting into edges or  into places the roller doesn't cover. The key is to buy a really good quality brush. Don't cheap out on your tools, they make a huge difference in the final look.

5. I use a foam brush when I am painting with oil based paints, I just throw it out when I am done, eliminating clean-up. I also use a foam brush when I paint with verathane.

Let me emphasize the importance of not buying cheap paintbrushes and rollers, invest in good quality, with care they will last you a long time.

 They are the key to achieving a smooth and gorgeous paint finish and to eliminate any heartache along the way!

 Here is my "behind the scenes" photo. Our furry friend, Henry was curious and decided to "help."

Isn't he so cute?

Come back tomorrow when I share how I put those tools to use - my painting techniques and tips!
XO Barbara

End Table Reveal

This is the day you have all been waiting for with bated breath, the reveal of my latest painting endeavour.


A little leg....

Let's look at the before:

From 25 bucks....


lookin' like a million!

The headboard is the second diamond tufted headboard I made. Want to make one for yourself?
 You can follow the step-by-step here.

The bedding is changing and I am not sure about the shade/lamp combo, it has bothered me for a while. Can't quite put my finger on what is wrong.

Still need to do the final touches on the room 
{and finish the other daughter's room as well , he-he, that one has been taking me - gulp- almost a year}.

One a side note: 

J, who loves her new end table celebrated her 15th birthday yesterday.
Yup, my baby girl is 15!

{yes, that is my son in his plaid shirt- plaid pj combo, such a stylin' guy}

More exciting news: 

I have THREE superstar Canadian designers who have agreed to participate in my "So Canadian, eh?" series!

Stay tuned!

XO Barbara

linking to: The Shabby Nest
Funky Junk Interiors

Guest Posting @ The Home Slice

Don't forget to read my interview with the latest

XO Barbara

So Canadian, eh?: Rambling Renovators

This week I am excited to have one of my favourite bloggers here at hodge:podge,

 she is...

Welcome Jennifer from Rambling Renovators!

I first discovered Jennifer's blog while browsing design*sponge many moons ago and stumbled across the nursery she designed for her daughter. What struck me was the creativity in that room from using Ikea bookcases and fitting them to look like built-ins, using vintage finds, granny chic artwork above the bed, the animal cut outs on the wall and bright and sunny fabrics, to create a beautiful space for their little girl. 

I have been a loyal reader since.

The rest of her home is just as fabulous. Jennifer and her husband are an amazing team, the ultimate DIYers, together they have renovated their kitchen, bathroom, office, and master bedroom, each room feeling so luxurious.

She has even had her house featured on the "House Proud" segment on the Nate Show, 
where she showed the world how to make a panelled wall.

 Jennifer, you are a real natural. 
HGTV Canada, are you reading this?

But....the fun doesn't stop there.

She is one busy gal, never ceases to amaze me; she has helped organize various blogger events in the Toronto area and is now co-organizing  Bloggers Give Back, where several Toronto area design bloggers are making over a garden at the George Herman House, a support home for women dealing with mental and emotional health issues. Make sure you check it out and help their cause!

Jennifer {does she ever sleep?} also authors a child-centred blog called " little folk design" Even though my kids are teens and a tween, I love reading all the amazing linked up ideas featured on that blog.

If you haven't stopped by her blog, you must, you will find yourself staying a while.

1.      Tell us a bit about yourself? What is you background? Your education? Did you study art/design? 

         I've been design obsessed for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I would decorate my room and rearrange my Ikea furniture on a weekly basis. From my room in my parents’ house to rental apartments and my first home, I barely left a wall untouched. So my education in design is an informal one, learned over years of trial and error and lots of time watching HGTV. On the other hand, I have a BA in Finance and Economics and an MBA in Strategic Management. I find that I use both my creative and logic skills when I design; I think not only about the aesthetics but also the structure of things and the big picture of how it all comes together.

2.    What made you decide to start blogging?

           I’ve always enjoyed writing and thought blogging would be a good outlet for that. I started the blog in 2007, just months before my husband Sean and I got married, as we were starting our hunt for our first home.

3.    What have you enjoyed about blogging and what has surprised you along the way? 
T       There’s so many things I love about blogging. I’m sentimental so I love having this record of my life, as a newlywed, as a new mom. Someday I will get all these posts bound into a book! I also like seeing how my tastes, styles, and abilities have evolved over the years. Blogging also really motivates me to get house projects done too, which is a huge benefit. But the best thing about blogging is engaging with my readers. I’ve come to know so many nice people through the blog and I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some of them in real life. It’s great that we share a common thread, this interest in design and making our houses into homes. Blogging brings with it a real sense of community that is hard to find nowadays.

4.    Where do you go for inspiration for your blog and for your home?

          Inspiration can come from anywhere –something I’ve seen on TV; other bloggers; a great vintage find; my comical and entertaining daughter. Both in my blog posts and in my designs, I try to be original though so I may be inspired by something I’ve seen but I’ll reinterpret it so it suits me. There’s nothing more boring than seeing the same images reposted on blog after blog, or seeing the same popular items or projects copied.

5.    As a seasoned veteran blogger, what tips do you have for other bloggers? 

         Be yourself. As funny as that sounds, it takes time and practice. Be true to your taste, style and viewpoint. Yes, we all need to edit what makes it from real life onto the blog, but don’t be afraid to display your personality. On a more practical note, read other blogs and comment, comment, comment! It’s the single best way to get people to visit your blog and build your readership.

   One important thing I’ve learned is don’t settle for mediocrity. Treat every post like it will get you 50 comments. What I mean is resist the temptation to post “filler” posts. Post only when you have something meaningful to say. That is what will keep people coming back to your blog.

6.    Your husband is an intern architect, you an HGTV addict; clearly you two make a dynamic duo, are you the brains or the braun behind all your amazing home renovations? 

         Though I take the lead on most design decisions, it’s a pretty equal relationship. I usually come up with the design concept and have an idea of what the end state should look like. Then my husband and I figure out how to actually get it built. This involves us sketching layouts on napkins over dinner, Sean making CAD drawings, me researching products and fixtures, etc. Once we have a plan, we buy materials and start building. Sean does the bulk of the handiwork but I do jump in there too, using the hammer/chopsaw/paintbrush when my little toddler Chloe lets me get away!

7.    You have co-authored a book together called: "Design City Toronto", what was the motive behind the book? 

         We were spurred by the idea that you don’t have to be an architect or designer to appreciate architecture or design. The architecture industry can be notoriously elitist. Our book was written on the notion that you are entitled to have an opinion on architecture no matter what your background; we live, work, and experience these buildings afterall.

8.    Is there any one accomplishment that you are proud of? 

          A few moments stick out, like having Mayor David Miller present at my book launch and appearing on The Nate Berkus Show. But those are momentary. The one accomplishment that brings me joy daily is creating this life with my husband, Sean. We’re blessed with a wonderful daughter who brightens every day and get to live in a home we love.

9.    If you were given the opportunity to meet anyone or do anything, what would it be and why? 

         I’m going to have to say I would want to meet Oprah. She is successful on so many levels – career, financial, and on a spiritual level too – and yet she keeps striving to be more and better. She’s really used the talents she’s been given and lived a very full life. That’s what I strive for.

      As a mother of adorable Chloe, how do you stay sane and balance life and blogging? 

          It’s not easy to do! Luckily, I have a great support system and Chloe is becoming more independent so I do get some time away for myself. I try and make room for all those things that make me happy, so I plan dates with my husband, go out with my girlfriends, spend time alone, and play with my family.  

      What are your views on the role Canadian design plays in the world design scene? Do you feel that Canadians have a unique sense of style and design, and if so, what is it that you think sets us apart? 

          I think Canada is such an accepting and tolerant nation that that comes through in our designs as well. Canadians design spaces that are livable and comfortable, that are stylish but not ostentatious. Look at Sarah Richardson; I think her spaces epitomize Canadian design. They are classic, friendly, welcoming spaces. And slowly, I think the rest of the world is starting to see and recognize that we put out consistently good design.

Thanks for stopping by Jennifer and giving us a glimpse into your world. 
I am positive that your influence in the Canadian design blogging world will be far reaching, opening up doors that haven't been opened yet, changing the way the design world views blogging and the role it plays. You are truly a pioneer.

XO Barbara

Painting Party

Yesterday while two of our children went skiing to Whistler with their dad 
and the other was at her lifeguard training, I decided to have a painting party!

Yes, I decided I liked the striped fabric {it will match the drapes} and with a few coats of Canyon Black by Rustoleum it now looks amazing.

Next, this end table got a coat of paint after the primer dried.

Finally, I painted our master bathroom, bye-bye peach.

Not sure I like the white I chose, but I am tired of painting. I think I'll live with it.
Photos are on the other camera, will have to show you next week when the room is all gussied up.

Anyone else working on painting projects?

Don't forget to stop by on Sunday when I feature another "So Canadian, eh?"

XO Barbara

My Fabulous Win!

I have had a string of luck these past few weeks, winning a few giveaways. 

I won the Domino Book of Decorating from Marcus Design, gorgeous hand knitted tea towels from Hare Styling and now beautiful original photographic art from local photographer and blogger, Tracey Ayton Photography.

Notice these are all fabulous Canadian blogs?

 Can't wait to hang this gorgeous piece in my games room

 {which is still a work in progress, ok, it's at a standstill but measured my SUV and the Ektrop loveseat will fit!}

You need to visit Tracey's blog and website. She is one talented photographer. Her interior photography is amazing.

Here are some of her photos.

But you will have to wait to read more about her as she has agreed to be a guest in my "So Canadian, eh?" series!

XO Barbara

{fabulous finds and my weekend}

Last week I quickly popped into Homesense to see if they still had a gorgeous lamp I spotted a week before. On my way to the lamp aisle I found a fantastic piece of art that would be perfect in J's room.

Not only did the lamp match perfectly to the art, it matched perfectly to the paint colour we are going to paint her end table, my latest Craigslist find. 
For only $39.99 each, I couldn't leave them behind.

 It is all coming together nicely!

I found these end tables on Craigslist for $25 each. One is going to Carol from The Design Pages!
The details on the tables are gorgeous and they will look fabulous in the colour we chose.

After re-painting her dresser and desk last week, the room is coming together. Still need to source out hardware for the dresser and desk but am going to visit Lee Valley Tools this week to choose.

My weekend consisted of this:

working on on my arm chair, removing a gazillion nails. Under the lovely vinyl was another layer of dusty old fabric. My hands ached from prying all the nails, it has taken me 2 weeks of prying nightly to remove all the little nails.

See all that dust flying?

And the upper part is stuffed with straw! Wonder how old this chair is?
The new fabric is half stapled on, this project is slowly coming along as I am learning along the way {plus other painting projects keep getting in the way}

With the husband and kids home this week for spring break, I hope I can tackle my to-do list
without interruption. Hmmm....we'll see about that.

What is on your to-do list?

XO Barbara

{So Canadian, eh?: Danielle Oakey Interiors}

Welcome back to another installment of...

 This week's talented Canadian calls United States home. I stumbled across her blog over Christmas and realized she was Canadian as she blogged about her visit to the Real Canadian Superstore, a dead giveaway that she was Canadian! It was a store I missed visiting when I lived in the US, I could relate for her need to visit and take it all in. 

Her blog is one of my daily reads, always inspiring as she knows how to make a room look fabulous while hardly spending a cent! 

I admire her daring sense of style, her use of colour, fabric and thrifty finds. She  knows how think outside of the box. Her talent is awe-inspiring, I believe she is a designer to watch as I think there are great things for her in the future.

Please give a warm welcome to....

Danielle Oakey from Danielle Oakey Interiors.

Some of my favourite DIY projects Danielle tackled...

 Tell us a bit about yourself? What is your background? Your education?   

  Hi, I am Danielle from Danielle Oakey Interiors. I am a 26-year-old, full-time, stay-at-home mom of one. I am also a part-time designer and blogger. I was born and raised in Calgary, Canada. I moved to Idaho just after graduation to start my education in interior design.
 I graduated with my Bachelors in interior design in 2007. Prior to that I interned for a variety of interior design firms whose focus ranged from hospitality to corporate to residential design. After graduating, I worked for a small architecture firm as the head interior designer.
Now I balance my days between mom, designer, and blogger!

 What made you decide to start blogging?

Blogging seemed like the perfect outlet to release my built-up creativity. I was looking for a way to document my love for interiors, and I have definitely found it.

 What have you enjoyed about blogging and what has surprised you along the way?

 I love the daily interaction that blogging provides. Comments are really what keep me going! I feel like I have a million more friends than before I started.
 I am surprised at how addictive it can be or how much of my time it would consume. Posting daily is not always an easy task but I still love it.

As a homeowner who lives in a small space and lives modestly, what tips do you have to inject style into your home despite the size?

 Living in a small space, on a tight budget, is very challenging.  It has tested my creative abilities to the max.

 Here are a couple tips I have learned:

1.    Every item counts. There is no room for “fillers” in a small space. Pick your pieces carefully, and make sure they pack enough punch. If you only get one side chair in your whole home, it better be good!
2.    Form follows function. This popular saying in interior design is very important in a small space. Make sure all furniture pieces are functional.
3.    Take a risk: Condo living can be architecturally mundane. Taking risks with textiles, furniture, and color can take a space from standard to unique.

You are known for some fantastic frugal design and DIY projects on your blog, where do you go for inspiration?

I gather almost all of my inspiration from magazines and blogs. Since my budget is limited, I have no choice but to re-create for less. When I find something I love, I am determined to find a way to create it.

 As a designer, what are your goals and your dreams for your design business? What tips would you have for aspiring designers?

I dream of owning a small residential design firm with a store front. I am years away from obtaining this goal but I am passionate about achieving it.
 Aspiring designers? I am one, I’ll let you know my tips in a few years…

 Are there any accomplishments that you are proud of?

 As silly as this may sound, maintaining and growing a blog is a big accomplishment for me. It has really challenged my organization and creative skills.

 If you were given the opportunity to meet anyone or do anything, what would it be and why?

 I would love to work for Vincente Wolf. I have admired his work since I was first introduced to him in interior design school. His designs are crisp, clean, and simple.

{images via here}

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time {that is if you have any!}?

Right now I am on an exercise kick. The best part of my week is attending a weight lifting class (body pump) at my local 24-hour fitness. It is brutally hard but SO addicting.

{image via here}

 As a mother of adorable Emory, how do you stay sane and balance life, your design work and blogging?

I do most of my blogging and designing late at night and early in the morning. Although I am not always consistent, I try my best.  I also keep my clientele small and manageable. I don’t accept more work than I can handle. That way both my clients and Emory get me at my best.          

As a Canadian living in the US, what are your views on the role, if any, Canadian design plays in the world design scene? Do you feel that Canadians have a unique sense of style and design, and if so, what is it that you think sets us apart?

{image via here}

Many of my favorite designers, magazines, and bloggers are based out of Canada. Even though I get a lot of inspiration from Canadians, I haven’t seen a recognizable difference in styles.

Thanks for stopping by up here in the Great White North Danielle! Looking forward to following more fabulousness from your blog! I love the way you create and design, always looking for a stylish yet cheaper alternative to get that fantastic designer look!

XO Barbara