It is always such a delight to stumble across a blog that you discover is penned and creatively put together by a Canadian! Last year, I added The Doctor's Closet to my daily reading repertoire. Full of fashion, design and lifestyle inspiration, you slowly get to know the creative soul behind the blog.
She is
Having met Monika at several media functions, she is as sweet and gorgeous in person as she is on her blog. As someone who has never had fashion high on her priority list, I am completely in awe of how Monika always looks so put together with such a sense of style! As a medical student who graduated with a medical degree, Monika is an example of a girl who listened to her heart and went in a different direction, starting a blog that focusses on all things pretty. What I admire is her vision and passion, that is so evident in her blog. And I am so in awe of her gorgeous jewelry line,
BFREND. An ingenious design, Monika was the first to create the one-of-a-kind jewelry that is sought after and worn by many!
Not only is Monika beautiful, but her home is equally so. Recently she has moved into a new house but the photos of her previous home are stunning!
Monika, tells us a bit about yourself? What is your education? Have you always been creative and interested in design and all things pretty?
I'm a very girly girl.. so I have ALWAYS loved pretty things, from what i'm wearing to decorating for parties to researching the latest trends. I didn't make it a career though, until after I graduated with a medical degree. School was extremely important to me and I loved learning about medicine, but after graduating I just couldn't stay away from all things fashion so I left the medical field! Big decision but definitely the right one for me! I'm loving life!
What made you decide to start a blog? How would you describe your blog? Explain the name.
My husband encouraged me to start a blog. I was consumed by all things medicine, studying and working day and night. I needed an hour out of my day to focus on something different. Medicine, plus fun fashion & lifestyle led to The Doctor's Closet - my blog name.
What has surprised you the most about blogging?
I'm pleasantly surprised daily by the loyalty of my readers! It's inspiring for me to know that so many girls (younger, my age and even older) look to my blog for all sorts of advice and see it as a place to “escape from the real world” as one of my readers described it.
Do you blog full time? Earn an income from your blog? If so, any tips you care to share?
I try to blog as much as time will allow! I believe the more consistent and high quality posts you do, the more your blog will grow! There will be weeks where I only post once a week due to my busy schedule, but I make sure those posts shine! You can absolutely earn an income from blogging, ex: sponsored blog posts, advertisements etc. . However this is not something I strive for. When opportunities come along I certainly consider them, but usually only if they are relevant to my blog quality.
What do you enjoy the most about blogging? Dislike?
Blogging should be a time where I can escape from reality and create my own little bubble of pretty things. Ha! I, of course try to be as real as possible in the middle of it all. There are, however, days where blogging feels like a job, and the last thing I want to do is put together a blog post. Either because I don't have time to commit to a post or simply don't have any creative ideas!
You have such a fabulous sense of style – what tips can you share about the must-haves wardrobe essentials?
Aw, thank you! I have a very simple style which allows me to stick to staple items and not go running out every week buying the newest runway trend. My trick? Load on the accessories! Anything from a fabulous piece of jewelry to a chunky wool scarf! Earrings, boots, statement flats, nail polish and tinted lips are always a must!
You are also the creator behind, BFREND, a gorgeous jewelry line. What made you decide to foray into the world of jewelry design? What have you enjoyed about the process?
It was totally un-expected! I made a few friendship bracelets to giveaway on my blog. From that one post my little BFREND idea become a fun business! My readers wanted a place to buy and that is when I decided to open an Etsy shop and it all took off from there! I love that I can be part of girls fashion style.
I have wondered if you make all the jewelry yourself?
Yes I do! During really busy times I have a few girls help me. But mostly, it's just me.
What do you love to do in your free time?
I love to read! Funning enough, growing up I realllly disliked reading. Now I find it as a time when I can kick up my feet and relax on the couch with a yummy cup of coffee or tea.
You are about to become a mother for the first time, are you planning on continuing on with your blog and business?
Absolutely! I'm actually in the middle of starting a new company as well. Still TOPSECRET though. :)
I can't wait to find out your top secret news! I wish you all the best with the arrival of you new little addition to the Hibbs family.
XO Barbara