Giveaway : Beautiful Words Typography Art

As a lover of typography, I get really excited about fonts and words. I love how you can play with words to create fabulous art. 

Recently, the creator behind Beautiful Words introduced me to their art made simply from words, more specifically from recurring words that occur in great works of literature.

Here is a bit about what Beautiful Words Art is about:

"Beautiful Words, Beautiful Art is exactly what this is all about. Inspired by the most fascinating, timeless and beautiful pieces of literature and turning their words into beautiful art. The concept is simple, the most poignant words in a particular text make up the art, compressing the essence of a literary piece into mind blowing artwork. Enjoy the classics right there on your wall!"

I love their posters....

How about Alice in Wonderland for a nursery?

Or Red Riding Hood?

 Or for you Americans, The Declaration of Independence.

Beautiful Words has generously offered me two posters, one I am going to frame and put on my wall and one to GIVE AWAY to you!

I am giving away their Hamlet poster!

This giveaway is open to Canadian and US residents.

Want it? Need it?

You have three ways to enter, leave a comment for each entry.

1. Hop over to Beautiful Words, look around, tell me which one is your favourite.

3. Tweet about the giveaway-----"Beautiful Words typography poster giveaway @hodgepodgeblog--->"

Also, make sure you have an email connected to your profile or provide one in the comment.

This giveaway closes on Friday midnight {PST} August 4.

Good luck!

XO Barbara


  1. Very cute ... and Fresh. Love the graphics!

  2. awesome stuff! hope you had a good weekend. entering the final push today for the ORC. GOOD LUCK LADY :)

  3. These are cute. My 10 y.o. daughter made "wordles" for everyone this year for Christmas. Such a thoughtful gift!

  4. I like the Pride and Prejudice one!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  5. I like the Pride and Prejudice one!

    shankyouverymuch11 at yahoo dot com

  6. I love the Hamlet one. We are going to see the tragedy in two weeks at our local Sakespeare Festival!

  7. I "liked" Beautiful Words on FB.

  8. I like the Hamlet one. My sister is a high school English teacher and it would make a great gift. For myself, I would love to see one done on Gifts By The Sea by Anne Morrow Lindberg.

  9. I love "Miss Julie" ... clean simple lines, foreign language (gotta love!). It would look wonderful in my kitchen and inspire me to read more!

  10. My fave is the Clockwork Orange poster. I love the movie and bright orange color of the poster
    tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

  11. Liked beautiful words on facebook (Tanya Riley)

  12. tweeted


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