Hello! I am back...did you miss me?

I am back from our 12 day road trip down to Southern California!

 We had many adventures exploring the California Coast which I shall share once I get ALL our photos uploaded and sorted. After coming home from a long drive home, to piles of mail, I was excited to see a stack of magazines waiting for me {we had a postal strike and a few were LONG overdue} 

But another great magazine that was waiting for me to read was the latest issue of House of Fifty! YES! I love this ezine by the FABULOUS Janell Beals. This one is even better than the first! I have glanced at it quickly and all I can saw is WOW!

Enjoy reading, since there is nothing exciting to read on my blog - such a slacker I am.

XO Barbara


  1. Sounds like fun Barbara, look forward to the photos! I just heard about that mag this weekend for the first time, will have to check it out:-)

  2. Welcome home Barbara. We will patiently wait to hear all about your encounters and trip

    Helen xx

  3. Welcome home, Barbara! I look forward to hearing about your vacation. I agree... the new HOF mag is awesome!

  4. WElcome back!! I can't wait to take some time to look at the House of Fifty issue.

  5. Of course we missed you! And you are not a slacker. Everyone deserves a vacation!

  6. Glad you had a great holiday! And I laughed out loud when I saw this post - check out mine on Friday. We are on the same slacker page! ;-)

  7. Haha, not everyone has seen this magazine and it is great!

  8. Thanks for featuring HOF on your blog today Barbara! Glad you enjoyed, such a fun venture this is proving to be!

  9. I have got to get my hands on that magazine and can't wait to see your Cali pics

  10. Beautiful magazine :-) Did you notice that Nancy's bedroom and side table were used an an example of eclectic design (pg. 57)?


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