Re-vamped Chair

Remember the saga of the one chair I was painting?

First the paint bubbled.

Then the black and white fabric looked "off"

After a few coats of black spray paint, it now looks fabulous!

I managed to get some quick shots on a rare sunny day.

If you were looking forward to the next part in Painting Furniture 101, I hope to have it up towards the end of the week. Mother Nature is not cooperating, we actually had sleet yesterday! Too cold for my latest painting project where I was planning to photograph and share the nitty gritty in painting! 

Thanks for all who stopped by to read my latest "So Canadian, eh?" interview with Margot Austin, it was such a pleasure to get to know the person behind all those amazing design stories at Style at Home. 

I have so many more amazing Canadians lined up in the next coming weeks, some who are very well known, make sure you stop by!

XO Barbara


  1. Love, Love this chair! The black is really stunning with that fabric.
    I also so enjoyed reading your interview with Margot Austin - I had the pleasure of meeting her in person in January at the IDS. Her style is so inspiring!

  2. What a great redo. You know anything with Black and white stripe certainly gets me going. I knew it would turn out well. Did you do both of them or did you do only one of them?

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. It looks SO Great in the black! I absolutely love it! Good choice :)

  4. Fabulous- you know I love a black and white chair!!

  5. the chair looks amazing barbara! and i really love your idea of "so canadian" being canadian myself i am so interested to read about other canadian designers!

  6. Amazing Barbara!
    It's funny, my aunt has the same chairs and I have never been a fan of them. Soooo you have now inspired me to go over to her house and talk her into painting her table and chairs. I'll use your blog to show her how amazing they look. This is the jumping off point to redecorating her home.
    Thank you !!

  7. Wow! I thought I loved the white but the black looks fabulous!!

  8. Thanks everyone, I am such a b&w kind of gal. I have another b&w striped chair coming your way, first I need to nail about 120 nail heads!

  9. That looks fantastic and so sweet. a touch of glam and vintage. LOVE!

  10. My gosh, it looks STUNNING in black. Better than I could have imagined. And I totally relate to the inconvenient Canadian weather. Gloomy days = bad photos.

  11. I love, love, love it black. Great job! Can't wait to see the "other" chair when it's finally finished. Good luck with all those nail heads. ps yes, the mirror I did was the one I picked up with you.

  12. Chair looks fabulous! There were people driving down the hill with an inch of snow on their car today!!!

  13. That looks great. I would have just passed right by those chairs before but now it looks amazing! What are you doing with the other chair?

  14. Looks fab!!! Loving the black!

  15. I've had problems lately when I tried to use black spray paint on a chair and it left lots of 'drips'. What do you think I was doing wrong?

    Yours looks freaking amazing, by the way!

  16. @Britt. I have painted the other chair white and am searching for the right fabric. Other daughter didn't want b&w fabric. So I have been collecting samples from fabric stores!
    @Carol, sent you an email. But will write up a post on this at the end of the week or next week!

  17. Va Va Voom!!! It looks amazing. I thought it looked good white, but it's just dazzling in the black.


  18. Agreed, the black gave it bling!!! Look forward to more of your lovelies!

  19. Love the final outcome. I think that your paint bubbled because it froze. Living in Minnesota - I deal with that a lot - I finally realized I can't spray paint when it is under 50 degrees - annoying!

  20. Looks great.Thank for all the painting information.

  21. oh Barbara - the chair does look amazing! I love it in black. It looks perfect.

  22. Looks Fabulous!! So much better than the white!

    Well done!

  23. Gorgeous and SO worth all the work - the black looks perfect.

  24. Beautiful Barbara! I love the chair in black it is so chic!! You did a fabulous job, and I agree that is was sooo worth the elbow grease :)
    Nancy xo

  25. I'm glad you kept trying 'cause it looks great. I have a couple of chairs that I need to finish up.

  26. Barbara,
    The chair looks amazing!
    Your a very talented lady!
    Shelly xo

  27. Yes for black! So glad you made the extra effort. It really paid off.


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