Busy Painting

With school upon us, the organizational bug has hit me. After a summer of leisure, tackling my to-do list has come to the forefront. I spent last week organizing schedules, sports, school supplies, buying a dress for my daughter's upcoming grad cruise {which is a miraculous feat to find a dress for a 6 ft tall girl!}, helping my parent's pick out paint colours for their new house, work on the design scheme for my first "clients" and finally paint my fabulous Craigslist find!

The weather is warm, which makes painting a breeze. 

Here is what I started with:
{somehow I can't find my "before" photos, I know I took them...}

And here is a peek at the hardware with a coat of spray paint. Tomorrow I am going to glam up that hardware with the midas touch.

You didn't think I would show you the whole thing finished did you? 

You will just have to wait, along with my daughter who is patiently waiting for her new dresser
and newly painted walls with a fabulous wall treatment!

More to come.....

Now I am off to wait for my "baby" to come home from his first day in high school.
All three of my children are in high school, my oldest graduates this year.

XO Barbara


  1. Hope he has a good first day!

    And I can't wait to see the finished product . . . ;)

  2. Love the details on this dresser - great Craigslist find! I'm looking forward to the big reveal!

  3. Good morning Barbara,

    What a tease! More pictures soon, please!

    A lot of sniffing going on here too today!

    Warm hugs to you,


    P.S A link to your talented artist is finally up.


  4. Can't wait to see it all finished and congrats on the client- sooo exciting!!!!

  5. Oh those handles are to die for! Nice work girlfriend. I have to tell you that I have a little nephew that is going into high school this year too. He's on the brink of being a teenager, zits etc. I can't let go of his cute little boy face yet.

  6. I have that same dresser only mine's a triple. I can't wait to see what you do with it because I've been humming and hawing over the job!

  7. I cannot wait to see the new dresser. I hope he has a good first day! I am sure you can't wait to hear all about it at dinner time.

  8. oh god, everyone keeps telling me how kids grow so fast and mine is not even out yet, haha!

    The knobs look great, can't wait to see the rest of the dresser.

  9. I had a dresser exactly like that growing up - I think my mom still has it in my old room. Can't wait to see how you glam that baby up!
    Kids grow up fast, don't they? My niece has started her first teaching job this week and my other niece just started college! I feel old. :)


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