{i'm featured: censational girl}

My Ikea Rast makeover is being featured at Centsational Girl! 

I am flattered to have my simple yet {in my opinion} stunning dresser makeover to be featured on the Queen of DIY's website!

Check it out {and other FABULOUS ideas/projects/makeover that Kate comes up with}

Thanks so much Kate!


  1. Congrats!!! You're dresser makeover was amazing so it deserves to be featured all over the place:) xo

  2. Just saw your dresser at CG, it's fabulous!

  3. You deserve it, you did such a great job!

  4. That's huge Barbara!! Congrats! But you obviously deserve it!

  5. YAY!!! Your Rast {and you} are famous! This is such a great DIY, and it's so awesome that Kate is featuring it :) Congrats!
    Nancy xo

  6. Congrats!

    I just stumbled across your blog for the first time and thought I would say hello! I looked through a few of your posts and love your style. I especially love the "inexpensive" way you design. It's what I love to do too!

    I'm a blogger as well, about the world of art, but my history is in interior design and fashion. I love to hear what people are saying! Hope we get to see more of each other in the future. I am kind of looking for some interior design bloggers to do some blog collaboration projects with. Let me know if you would be interested!



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