New Blog Design and Name

After several years of getting spammy emails from SEO marketers about how poorly my blog ranked and how my blog design wasn't SEO or mobile friendly, I FINALLY had it redesigned. I can't afford to have a website built for me but one of my favourite bloggers whose platform is on Blogger like mine had her blog redesigned with a purchased template design. Hallelujah! 

Not wanting to copy her, I went with a different company, Georgia Lou Studios and bought their Adelle template. I liked the various customizations they had. Not having a CLUE how to re-design my blog, I begged and sweet talked my lovely blog designer from years ago, Brittany, to help me. She helped in her free time - love her! Wanting a sleek clean design with a simply font, she delivered!
Let me know if all looks good on your end!

AND since I was redesigning the template I decided to drop hodge:podge and stick with Markova Design. You can read about why I use that name here. Hoping to open an Etsy shop soon to sell my pillow designs, I felt this name was more "grown up." Fingers crossed I can figure out my new serger and get those pillows ready!


  1. Love the look of you blog. I have been blogging for a bunch of years and I am taking a seo course which helps teach me how to take your existing posts and rewrite them and its amazing how those posts are getting better ranking with google.


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