
The joy of summer holidays.

 Lazy days at the beach, lounging on the patio, gardening...

but not blogging or tackling the to-do list. 

I am still not finished my daughter's room....
she reminds me daily. 

My dark living room is screaming,"give me light".....

and the fantastic collection of Ikea down pillow inserts at the bottom of my closet are begging to find a place on a bed or sofa. 

But I am enjoying the down time....
spending time with my children. 

We are embracing the long awaited heat....
 so I apologize for my lack of posts and projects.

We are relishing this wonderful downtime away from the classroom, sports, music lessons and the hustle and bustle of life.


  1. I feel the same Barbara! The summer just does not make for good blogging - It's hard to blog when it's so beautiful outside. I've been putting off all my projects and soaking up the sun instead. Hope you are enjoying your time away from the computer!

  2. All those projects can wait. Hope you and the kids have tons of fun this summer.

  3. Aren't you just loving this much needed heat?? I'm so excited about this weather, don't worry, I have a ton of projects on the backburner as well :) My family is heading up to Penticton this weekend, and I am so looking forward to family time, so I completely can identify!!

  4. Sounds like you have your priorities straight, Barbara!!! Come back to us when you can ;-)

  5. Barbara,
    I love the mirrored shot of your living room. It looks very chic and welcoming. Enjoy your summer. It goes by so fast.

  6. Pillows with constrated piping hey? You must not be procrastonating too much! ;-)
    Hurry up and post about it already... it's the weekend!
    Have fun at the tour!!

  7. Blogs and projects can wait....enjoy the family and the sunshine I say! You have all gray, rainy, wet, snowy, winter to write and make your house pretty ;)

    Have a wonderful weekend Barbara!

    PS don't feel bad, my girls room isn't done yet either :)

  8. I hear ya!! Summer's the time to be enjoying the outdoors :-) All my inside projects come to a standstill in the summer.

    Have fun at the beach and on the patio and gardening and hanging out with your kids :-)



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