Lately: In The Garden

H e l l o o o o !

Again, let the blog slide. I have to admit I have blog posts constantly circulating in my head, but I never actually sit down to write, or photograph. I am lazy like that.

What I have been busy doing is working on the yard. Again, bad blogger me, did NOT take photos of the back yard when we moved in. It was seriously an overgrown disaster. Since I LOVE gardening, we negogiated a discounted rent if we took care of the landscaping. The landlords tore everything out last summer and I had a blank slate to work with. There were a gazillion raised garden beds that were poorly planned out in the back yard. They were haphazardly built, sloping here, sloping there -simply an eyesore. I tore them all out and using the topsoil the landlords dumped in the back yard, starting creating flower beds. My ever so awesome hubby rebuilt the garden bed behind our shed! We laid grass seed down on the patches that were left after the raised beds were ripped out. Again, no before photos.

My mom who has the utlimate green thumb has been guiding me and supplying me with about 75% of the plants in all the garden beds. She simply divided up most of her perennials last fall and early this spring. I think I may have spent only $200 on the whole yard, and that is to buy annual bedding plants, lavendar, and vegetables seeds and plants. I spent most of the spring babying veggie plants on my kitchen window sill only to have some dumb animal dig them up when I planted them in my garden. Without my Henry around anymore, the cats and racoons think they can use my garden beds as their toilet. Tips anyone? My mom says orange peels deter cats. Thoughts?

This past long weekend, I spent most of it weeding, moving plants and planting annuals and vegetables. We still need to work on the sad state of our lawn and build a fire pit area.

WARNING: Photo heavy post. 

I bought these two resin Adirondack chairs for $15 on Craigslist for our lounging area in the back corner. Hoping to create this as a fire pit area.

 Little basil seedlings - easy to grow from seed!

 Hubby is in the way (this is real life baby)... but this area needs some primping...need new cushions, or recover the ones we have? Need an umbrella and to hang up our strings of patio lights.
Note the fire pit waiting to be used, my plan is to use some of the bricks we pulled out of the ground where the previous tenants made a slapdash patio that was overgrown with weeks. Hoping to use some to create a pad for the fire pit in the back corner of the yard.

That's the yard folks! I have put a lot of elbow grease into the space. Love watching things grow and transform. I can not WAIT until school is out and I can focus on my LIST of to-do's!

XO Barbara


  1. Your yard is looking great! As another avid gardener, I am envious that you have so much space to work with. Adirondack chairs and fire pit are the best combination!

    1. Thanks. But having so much space can be daunting and exhausting!!

  2. Nice work girlfriend!!!!! Your grass is so green and everything looks so healthy!!!! Looking forward to that fire pit ;-)

  3. It looks awesome!! We're still quite a few weeks behind you, weather-wise, but we've begun the process of re-mulching and cleaning up the yard. We even have high hopes of transforming the most neglected area of our yard this year - lots of elbow grease so far, but still a long way to go. I love how satisfying it is to work outside, and to watch excitedly as things you planted last year pop up again. You've inspired me to get going on our garden, too!

  4. oh wow! it looks wonderful! Sorry about the pesky gobblers! Your the best tennants ever!
    Cant wait to see the firepit!


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